
Showing posts from December, 2021

Carpenter ants around even in winter why?

  Carpenter ants why are they still around in the winter?   Are you seeing ants in your home? You're thinking, "Wait a minute, don't ants hibernate in the winter?" We understand. Ants appear to hibernate in the winter because they usually disappear in the winter until spring returns. But they don't. Ants aren't hibernating, but instead enter a low-energy state called diapason. They will enter this state if temperatures drop too low or if food resources are scarce. The big difference between hibernation and diapason is that a diapason animal will become active again when the unfavorable conditions have passed. Or they can not enter diapason and remain in tittivate during the winter if unfavorable conditions do not occur. Carpenter ants are unique among ants because they chew wooden tunnels to create a safe place to establish their nests. And when they create these galleries in the wood of our homes, they can find favorable conditions all year round and remain ...

How to protect yourself from ticks

  Ticks can transmit Lyme borreliosis and TBE to humans. Our occupational doctor explains how to protect yourself from the bites of these parasites. Tick ​​bites in Switzerland lead to around 10,000 visits to the doctor every year. These bites are considered to be an accident and cost millions of francs. Ticks can transmit Lyme borreliosis or TBE (spring-summer meningoencephalitis) to humans. Although there is no total protection against the diseases transmitted by these parasites, with a few simple precautions it is still possible to reduce the chances of being bitten.   Protect yourself from tick bites   Above 8 degrees Celsius, avoid places where it is possible to come into contact with ticks: edges of woods and paths, bushes, foliage, scrub and undergrowth, meadows and ferns up to 1.5 m above the ground and at altitudes up to 2000 m. Wear light-coloured closed clothing that covers as much of the body as possible. Ticks are easier to spot on light-coloured clothing. Th...

How to get rid of beetles at home and live peacefully

  BEFORE ELIMINATING BEETLES AT HOME, YOU NEED TO KNOW THE TYPES   The  beetles  are an order in the class of insects: it then there are 350,000 species and more than 15o thousand families. In Italy alone there are about 10 thousand species of beetle and not all of them are harmful: some, such as ladybugs and fireflies, are even used to fight other harmful pests. Among the beetles, there is also the beetle, very dangerous for crops, and the stag beetle, which attacks fruit trees.   Among all the types of beetles, probably the most dangerous is the Japanese beetle, for which, once its presence has been ascertained, it is necessary to notify the Phytosanitary Service of your region.   How to get rid of beetles at home : some tips   If you discover that you have  beetles at home , first of all, you should try to distinguish what type of insect you are in front of it can be one of the most harmless species or on the contrary one of those insects dange...