How to get rid of beetles at home and live peacefully
The beetles are an order in the class of insects: it then there are 350,000 species and more than 15o thousand families. In Italy alone there are about 10 thousand species of beetle and not all of them are harmful: some, such as ladybugs and fireflies, are even used to fight other harmful pests.
Among the beetles, there is also the beetle, very dangerous for crops, and the stag beetle, which attacks fruit trees.
Among all the types of beetles, probably the most dangerous is the Japanese beetle, for which, once its presence has been ascertained, it is necessary to notify the Phytosanitary Service of your region.
How to get rid of beetles at home: some tips
If you discover that you have beetles at home, first of all, you should try to distinguish what type of insect you are in front of it can be one of the most harmless species or on the contrary one of those insects dangerous for crops.
Especially if you are faced with the most dangerous type, it is necessary to contact professionals in the sector, who will be able to explain to you what type of beetles you are dealing with. Before using chemical insecticides it is always good to know exactly what you are using and what are the possible side effects.
If we are talking about beetles that infest the garden, it is not advisable to use insecticidal products without control, because then they would end up directly on the table with your vegetables.
The beetles in the house are generally due to the presence of the house next to gardens, vegetable gardens or orchards: at the end of summer the adult specimens, excellent flyers, are attracted by artificial lights and end up slipping into houses with open windows. A good mechanical system is therefore the mosquito nets, the lights turned off as much as possible or used as bait, to attract them to the point where the insecticide substance is found.
It is always advisable, even when you find beetles at home and you do not know how to do it, to contact an expert company in the sector, which will send specialized workers on-site to understand the situation and explain how to proceed, respecting the environment and your health.
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