Do-It-Yourself Tick Control: How To Do It


Do you want to carry out a do-it-yourself tick disinfestation but you don't know where to start? Here are some useful tips. First of all, we specify that the tick is a parasite that attaches itself to the hair of animals and that can also attach itself to the skin of humans, sucking blood and transmitting serious diseases to the victim. This is why it is essential to get rid of ticks when they appear in the house or the garden.


Some precautions can be taken preventively to avoid a tick infestation. It is certainly essential to keep the interior of your home, carpets, sofas, surfaces, floors and the kennel of your four-legged friend well clean. For a deep cleaning you need to use a sanitizing solution: water, vinegar and bicarbonate are fine but there are still specific products on the market to easily remove germs and bacteria.

To prevent ticks from lurking in your garden, maintain your green spaces regularly, eliminating dry grass and any excrement. If unfortunately, the ticks have already invaded your spaces, then you must adopt effective solutions that allow you to achieve excellent and lasting results. Prepare a mixture of hot water, bleach and hydrogen peroxide to pass on the affected areas, or where you notice the presence of one or more ticks.

Wear protective goggles and gloves to avoid any risk to your health. If you see a tick on your dog's fur, use a pesticide; you will find many on the market suitable for your specific needs.


Do-it-yourself tick control: natural remedies


Getting rid of ticks forever with natural remedies and therefore not harmful to the environment, to humans and animals, is possible. Vinegar is an excellent remedy; keeps these pesky pests away. Then prepare a mix of water and vinegar and sprinkle it in your rooms to create a natural protective barrier. To sanitize the corners with the help of a sponge or a cloth.

As a natural repellent, you can also use citrus preparations or mint and lavender essential oils that seem to be poorly tolerated by ticks.

Finally, there are specific ecological products on the market for tick disinfestation. Ask your dealer or do an online search for the best products with zero environmental impact to keep ticks away from your home and your life!

Before buying online, however, take a look at the reviews of other users: you can get an idea of ​​the characteristics and the real effectiveness of the product in question.


When do-it-yourself pest control is not enough


If the infestation is very serious, a specialized company should be contacted as soon as possible to solve the problem as soon as possible. A tick-infested environment can represent a very serious danger, especially for children who tend to touch everything, unaware of the risks they can run.

The experts of the sector ensure to disinfect every environment accurately, using suitable products.

If you can't get rid of ticks on your own, don't hesitate to contact a cleaning and pest control company. In some cases, the tick problem can be stem from simple do-it-yourself and natural remedies, but in other extreme cases, professional intervention is essential.


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